UCD and You

Together with Immedica, we created the website ucdandyou.com, which is aimed at people with urea cycle disorder and parents who have children with the condition.

Urea cycle disorder is a rare genetic disorder in which the body cannot get rid of ammonia. When we eat protein, our bodies break down the protein into amino acids, which we need to grow and stay healthy. Extra amino acids that the body does not need are converted into ammonia, a waste product. Enzymes in the liver convert the ammonia into urea so the body can get rid of it in the urine. This enzyme is missing or malfunctioning in those with a urea cycle disorder. Excessive levels of ammonia are harmful to the body and can even be fatal if a so-called hyperammonemia crisis occurs. 

Living with a urea cycle disorder (UCD) can be difficult, but there are many things you can do to manage the condition and feel better in your daily life. UCD and You is a new website for people with urea cycle disorders. Here, people with UCD and their careers can learn more about the condition and how ammonia levels can be controlled, for example through diets and lifestyle changes. The site is based on the concept “Life is like a road trip”. Living is traveling, and getting a disease is like having a big bump in the road. This website helps you to overcome the obstacle of is a urea cycle disorder. Take a look! www.ucdandyou.com

The primary colours are dark grey, blue and green. The other colours can be used freely. The colours’ mixture is potent, and by lowering the percentage, the colours get a beautiful earthy tone (50%/30%). Choose colours and films from the bank that go well together. The potent colours work well as accentuated colours on background tiles, menu buttons or as a way of dividing different chapters.

The main font is Barlow, which works both on the web and in print material. Let the headlines really stand out and preferably use Barlow Black for capital letters. Use Immedica’s Corbel for Powerpoint.

This image is a general depiction of our communication concept. Life is a journey, not at least for those who are living with a UCD. The symbolism of this includes many aspects of life: freedom, excitement, hardship and being at ease. All in all, the everyday life of someone with a UCD. We want to send a positive message, and at the same time not being overly optimistic.

Want to know more?
Berth Lindén
+46 (0)734 320 801


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