The fertility app
A tool that explains each step and the various processes associated with all the different treatments offered at a fertility clinic. The assignment was undertaken for Ferring Läkemedel, at the request of Karolinska Institutet.
Donating sperm and freezing eggs are not quick processes, and neither is assisted reproduction or any other treatment offered at a fertility clinic. These processes all involve a number of important decisions and stages, which the patient needs to be aware of and prepared for. Therefore, it is important to review the treatment step-by-step before it begins.
An app designed to be used on tablets during discussions between healthcare staff and patients. The content serves as a basis for those discussions, during which the entire process is explained step-by-step. The various elements of each treatment are laid out in an informative manner, which allows healthcare staff to easily choose tracks based on the treatment in question. The app is currently used by both Karolinska and other fertility clinics.

Vill du veta mer?
Sophia André Klingspor
+46 (0)734 320 803