Peyronie’s disease and Dupuytren’s contracture – sometimes known as ‘Viking’s disease’ – affect different parts of the body, but have the same cause: connective tissue growing uncontrollably and forming a lump. Peyronie’s disease affects the penis, which makes it bend on erection. It causes problems in the patient’s sex life and also affects mental health: their self-confidence takes a dive and some develop depression. Dupuytren’s contracture affects the fingers, primarily the ring and little fingers. The fingers bend in towards the palm, which has a serious impact on day-to-day life – just lifting a tea cup can be a real challenge.
For our client Sobi we produced two films, one on Peyronie’s and one on Dupuytren’s, in collaboration with Depiction. They are both based on the everyday life of a typical patient, and show how the disease affects everything from relationships to everyday shopping. The films were intended to spread awareness about the conditions, get more people to understand their severity, and to reach out to people who may identify so they can get help.
An insight into daily life with Peyronie’s disease
Living with Dupuytren’s contracture

Want to know more?
Berth Lindén
+46 (0)734 320 801