Not quite ‘home sweet home’!
Communication concept for Premalex, which is the first approved medication for PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder). The concept was used in connection with a launch campaign aimed at the healthcare sector, as well as a public information campaign.
PMS is a recurring condition that can manifest in different ways in each woman. Some become angry, while others become depressed or experience mood swings. It has long been clear that there is a massive difference in the degree to which women develop PMS symptoms, but it was only quite recently that a more severe variant was identified – PMDD.
To highlight the problem, we decided to use contrasts. The classic embroidered sampler that would usually carry heart-warming messages was given a melancholy makeover. It was as if all hope and zest for life had suddenly been sucked out of them, similar to the effect that PMDD has on sufferers.

Banners with the somewhat provocative and unfortunately all too common question “Have you got PMS, or what?” steered visitors to

Anyone who thinks they suffer with PMDD should talk to their gynaecologist, and so we also produced folders to be displayed in waiting rooms. You can read about the difference between PMS and PMDD in the folder while you wait to see the doctor.

In order to highlight the cyclical nature of the disorder and its diverse symptoms, monthly DMs were sent to doctors.

Healthcare staff also received mailshots that allowed them to order various assessment tools.

A product leaflet that explained more about Premalex was distributed to healthcare staff.

Want to know more?
Berth Lindén
+46 (0)734 320 801