Sustainability policy

Sustainability is one of our core values, we believe creativity should be used to build a sustainable future.

We are committed to making Relevans as sustainable as possible. We believe we have a responsibility to make life better for our colleagues, our customers, and our planet. It is our policy to seek continual improvement throughout our business operations to lessen our impact on the local and global environment. We are taking active steps to reduce our negative environmental impacts and promote sustainability through our work. We will encourage our clients and those we work with to do the same.

It’s a journey and we are far from perfect, but we are always trying to do better. These are our promises:

We are incorporating sustainability considerations into our business decisions.
We will continually improve our own environmental performance.
We will promote environmental awareness among our colleagues, clients, and wider network.

Below are our commitments and principles:

Environmental responsibility:
– Our office and property are powered by green energy.
– We continuously monitor and improve our energy efficiency and reduce our use of non-renewable resources.
– We strive to always try to reduce, reuse and recycle materials and resources in our operations and minimize waste and emissions.
– We only order office supplies from Lyreco who are ISO 140001 certified and EcoVadis reviewed
– Our computers are leased and are sold for reuse when we need to upgrade

Examples of other activities/actions:
– Company cars are all electric.
– When we need to travel, we choose train or electric car when possible.
– We use energy efficient lighting throughout the office.
– Most of our waste is recycled.
– Our partners are encouraged to work sustainably where e.g. our largest partner By Wind (printing company) is powered by wind sources.
– We optimize all our websites to reduce data usage

Social responsibility
Our employees are the most important thing we have, and we value their work/life-balance. We do not encourage working overtime and strive to create an inviting and healthy workplace.

– We encourage exercise and allow everyone 30 minutes extra lunch if you work out during the work day.
– We offer safe and healthy working environments for our employees and promote a culture of equality, respect and inclusion.
– We support the local community where we operate through cooperation and community involvement.
– We protect human rights, labor rights and diversity in our operations and supply chain.
– We take responsibility in sharing our knowledge and continuously accept interns from local universities.

Financial responsibility
• We strive for a long-term commitment through sustainable business and responsible use of resources.
• We comply with all applicable laws, regulations and industry standards and maintain the highest ethical standards in all our activities that we can influence.
• We integrate sustainability aspects into our business strategy, investment decisions and risk management.

Cooperation and transparency
• We welcome collaboration with stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, authorities, and community organizations, to promote sustainability.
• We are committed to being open and transparent about our sustainability performance and to regularly reporting on our progress and challenges.

There are still things we can do and we always strive to enhance our environmental work. To show our engagement we have signed the Clean Creatives pledge.


Human rights policy

Ethical business conduct
Relevans is committed to the highest standards of business ethics which govern the conduct of our business operations for all employees. We base our human rights policy commitment on the International Bill of Human Rights and the principles concerning fundamental rights set out in the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We require all business to be conducted with honesty and integrity in full compliance with all internationally recognized human rights as relevant to our operations.

We are committed to support and promote human rights that benefit all our stakeholders, including our customers, employees, and the communities in which we live and operate. Our commitment is guided by the following principles:

Employee rights and fair labor practices
We believe all our employees deserve to be treated with integrity and respect. Therefore, we promote a work environment of transparency and trust. We compensate our employees competitively and operate in compliance with applicable wage, work hours, overtime and benefits laws and Swedish labor standards.

Diversity and inclusion
We support and encourage diversity and inclusion within our business and the organizations with which we do business by maintaining a workplace that is free from discrimination or harassment based on race, sex, color, national or social origin, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identification or expression, political opinion or any other status protected by applicable law. We are committed to the protection of women’s rights. We’re committed to providing equal opportunities for all employees, eliminating all discriminatory practices and promoting a work environment that is free from harassment, violence and intimidation.

Safe and healthy workplace
Our policy is to provide and maintain a safe, healthy and productive workplace for all our employees that comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and Swedish policies.

Forced labor and human trafficking
We’re committed to preventing and prohibiting forced labor of any kind, including all forms of modern-day slavery or human trafficking.

Child labor
We do not engage in or condone the unlawful employment or exploitation of children.

Freedom of association and collective bargaining
We respect the principles of freedom of association and collective bargaining and encourage all our employees to be members of a union.


Privacy Policy

Here you can find our privacy policy.